Big Apple Subway Map
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Prospect Av
Normal train service by time of day

 AM rush

Mon-Fri 6:30am to 9:30am


Mon-Fri 9:30am to 3:30pm

2 5
 PM rush

Mon-Fri 3:30pm to 8:00pm


Mon-Fri 8:00pm to 12 midnight

2 5
 Late night

Mon-Fri 12 midnight to 6:30am


Sat/Sun/Hol 6:30am to 12 midnight

2 5
 Weekend late night

Sat/Sun/Hol 12 midnight to 6:30am


Enter/exit at:

  Prospect Ave & 160 St, NW corner

  Prospect Ave & Longwood Ave, NE corner

  Prospect Ave & Longwood Ave, NE corner

  Westchester & 160 St, SW corner

  Westchester Ave & Prospect Ave, SW corner

Entrances/exits are 'uptown only' or 'downtown only' at this station