Big Apple Subway Map
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Note: full route info listed below, regardless of ADA compliance. Not all stations are fully ADA compliant. Be sure to see the MTA's page on subway accessibility for details on service, especially Elevator and escalator status before riding. Stations highlighted in red on the map are not accessible from the street, are accessible in one direction only, or have other restrictions.

DownChoose a line to see details
1 trainBroadway - 7 Avenue Local
2 train7 Avenue Express
3 train7 Avenue Express
4 trainLexington Avenue Express
5 trainLexington Avenue Express
6 trainLexington Avenue Local
<6> trainLexington Avenue Express
7 trainFlushing Local
<7> trainFlushing Express
A train8 Avenue Express
B train6 Avenue Express
C train8 Avenue Local
D train6 Avenue Express
E train8 Avenue Local
F trainQueens Blvd Express/ 6 Av Local
G trainBrooklyn-Queens Crosstown
J trainNassau St Local
Z trainNassau St Express
L train14 St-Canarsie Local
M trainQueens Blvd / 6 Av Local
N trainBroadway Express
Q trainBroadway Express
R trainBroadway Local
S trainFranklin Avenue Shuttle
S train42 St Shuttle
H trainRockaway Park Shuttle
® or TM as applicable. Used with permission of Metropolitan Transportation Authority.