About this map

This site is not affiliated with Nassau Inter-County Express, Veolia Transportaion, The Town of Huntington, The City of Long Beach, Metropolitan Transporation Authority (MTA) Long Island Rail Road (LIRR), Suffolk County Transit, or any other transporation provider or government.

The information located on this web site and on any external links is provided as a public service. Such information is derived from multiple sources which may, in part, not be current, be outside the control of the owner of this web site, and may be of dubious accuracy. The data provided hereon may be inaccurate or out of date and any person or entity who relies on said information for any purpose whatsoever does so solely at his or her own risk. The owner of this web site does not warrant the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of any of the data provided hereon. THIS INFORMATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND INCLUDING BY WAY OF ILLUSTRATION AND NOT OF LIMITATION THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR OF NON-INFRINGEMENT. Continued use of this web site is conditioned upon your explicit acceptance of the terms and conditions set forth on this web page.

What if I find something wrong?

If you see something incorrect/outdated on the site, by all means let me know via email (douglaspkelly@gmail.com) and I'll get it fixed. I haven't been on many of the routes and I know for a fact that the maps on the schedules (my main source of information) aren't always up-to-date.

Which bus routes are not on this map?

Generally, any route (or segment of a route) that has less than three round trips per day, private bus company routes, and routes (or portions thereof) that are seasonal. Suffolk Transit routes known to not be on the map are: S110, S47, S94, portions of 7E, and segments around state office buildings in Hauppauge and federal offices in Holtsville. I hope to fix most of these "soon". Buses from Queens that serve portions of Nassau County (including Floral Park or Green Acres Mall) are also not shown yet.

Long Island Transit Map Version History

Version 1: 2012-Feb-03: Initial version.

Version 2: 2012-Apr-07: Major changes due to NICE route restructuring. Added N6X, N22X, N22L. Fixed S62 (more fixes to come).

What transit providers are shown on the map?

The following are currently on the map:
Nassau Inter-County Express (NICE) (former Long Island Bus routes)
Suffolk County Transit
Long Beach buses
Long Island Rail Road
Huntington Area Rapid Transit (HART)

Long Island Transit Map